Winners will be awarded on Friday, December 9th, 2022 at Cipriani 25 Broadway in New York with United Nations Secretary General: António Guterres as the guest of honor
The UNCA Awards honors journalists from around the world who have provided the best print, broadcast and electronic media coverage of the United Nations, UN agencies, and field operations. New winners are honored each year during the annual Awards Gala in December. The UNCA awards are open to all journalists anywhere in the world
Note: Deadline for Submissions was: September 30th – Submission Period Is NOW Over.
The Awards Prizes:
The Elizabeth Neuffer Memorial Prize
For print (including online media) coverage of the United Nations, UN agencies and field operations
sponsored by The Alexander Bodini Foundation
This prize is named in honor of Elizabeth Neuffer, the Boston Globe bureau chief at the United Nations, died while on assignment in Baghdad in 2003. She was a model journalist who proved throughout her career that objectivity does not have to mean neutrality. She was passionate, courageous and compassionate, drawing attention to the forgotten places in the world and to the overlooked victims of war. She explored the forces that can ignite fratricidal and genocidal conflict and her work helped inspire the movement that led to the creation of the International Criminal Court. Personally, her colleagues in UNCA treasure her for her inveterate good humor, which counterbalanced her deadly serious explorations of the darker sides of modern history.
The Ricardo Ortega Memorial Prize
For broadcast media (TV & Radio) coverage of the United Nations, UN agencies and field operations
Sponsored by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)
This prize is Named in honor of Ricardo Ortega, formerly the New York correspondent for Antena 3 TV of Spain, was one of the leading Spanish journalists of his generation. His determination to bear witness first hand to what was happening around the world took him to dozens of countries. His war reporting from Afghanistan, Chechnya, Yugoslavia and Georgia was especially notable and he had a reputation for honesty, independence, determination and courage shown, for example, by his skeptical coverage of the evidence for Iraqi WMD’s presented to UN. Ricardo Ortega was killed by gunfire while covering Haiti on March 2004.
The Prince Albert II of Monaco & UNCA Global Prize
For print (including online media) and broadcast media (TV & Radio) coverage of Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Water
UNCA Awards Committee:
Valeria Robecco (UNCA President), Giampaolo Pioli (Awards Chairman), Tuyet Nguyen (Awards Selections Coordinator) Sherwin Bryce-Pease (UNCA Executive Member and Master of Ceremonies) Edith Lederer (UNCA Executive Member) Betul Yuruk (UNCA Executive Member)