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  • Feb 20, 2015
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February 20th, 2015
UNCA Book Presentation & Panel Discussion on “Digital Diplomacy: Conversations on Innovation in Foreign Policy” by Andreas Sandre MONDAY, February 23rd @3pm

On Monday, February 23rd, 2015, UNCA hosted a book presentation on “Digital Diplomacy: Conversations on Innovation in Foreign Policy” by Andreas Sandre followed by a panel discussion and Q&A in the UNCA Meeting Room.

Digital Dipplomacy

Speakers were (from left)
Ambassador Inigo Lambertini, Deputy Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations
Andreas Sandre, Author
Giampaolo Pioli, UNCA President (Moderator)
Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General
Deborah Seward, Director of the Strategic Communications Division, UN Department of Public Information

Digital Diplomacy: Conversations on Innovation in Foreign Policy”
Through conversations with State Department officials, ambassadors, public relations executives, public policy experts, and academics, Digital Diplomacy explores what it means to be innovative in foreign policy and diplomacy. These leading experts explain what are the new dynamics, developments, trends, and theories in diplomacy brought on by the digital revolution in which non-state actors play an active role. Such access now provides diplomats the means to influence the countries they work in on a massive scale, not just through elites. The book’s focus on innovative approaches shows how both public and traditional diplomacy have been transforming foreign policy in the 21stcentury, highlighting new means and trends in conducting diplomacy and implementing foreign policy.

 Andreas Sandre is a Press and Public Affairs Officer at the Embassy of Italy in Washington DC. He was previously at the Mission of Italy to the United Nations. He is the author of “Digital Diplomacy: Conversations on Innovation in Foreign Policy” (Rowman & Littlefield, January 2015) and “Twitter for Diplomats” (DiploFoundation and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, February 2013) and has contributed articles on foreign policy, digital diplomacy, and innovation to numerous publications, including Huffington Post, Global Policy Journal, and BigThink. Find him on Twitter and Facebook.

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